

Friday, October 19, 2012


I'm really afraid this blog is going to turn into a place where I only talk about the progression of my pregnancy, baby stats after it gets here, etc. I feel like that's boring, but being pregnant is actually one of the more interesting things in my life right now. Plus, I'm guessing most of the people who actually read this want to know those updates.

Stolen from here. I have no affiliation with this site and didn't even read the article the picture came from.

As a side note, I'm going to call the baby* "him" for now even though we don't know the gender yet. It's easier and less repetitive that way. (I say "him" because I'm personally convinced that it's a boy. Brian doesn't have an opinion yet. When I asked him, he said, "Let's take a vote. I'm going to wait to vote until after the ultrasound.")

On that note, I recently started feeling the baby move around. I'm sure that's not that exciting for people who have already had kids, but I think it's pretty cool! (Although I have to admit, the more I feel it, the more it feels a little like an alien poking me from inside.) I think I actually felt him for the first time about 2 weeks ago (?), but having never been pregnant before this, I wasn't sure if it was that or gas. ;) Yesterday, before getting up in the morning, I decided to lay there and see if I could feel him at all. As if on cue, he started moving all over the place (it definitely wasn't indigestion). Maybe he'll have some entertainment genes like his dad. :) I felt him again while sitting on the bus on the way home from work and then later during our meeting with the elders. In fact, as I'm writing this, I'm feeling even more little kicks.

*Brian and I joked about calling the baby "the fetus" for the duration of my pregnancy. As hilarious as I think that is, I can't bring myself to do it, especially in writing. ;)

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