

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Not long ago, we had the sliding glass door to our patio open. At some point, Brian looked up and freaked out.
Brian: There's a cat in our house!!
(Our neighbors have an outdoor cat that must have found its way onto our patio.)

Brian (fending for himself for dinner): Where would I find a large bag of [food storage] rice?
Amy: Umm, in the bathroom...

overheard (Primary edition)

When we sing the Hello Song to visitors, I often ask them if they know how to say "hello" in a different language to spice it up a little.
Amy: Do you know any other languages?
Visitor (4 years old?): Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
I had no idea how to respond to that, so we sang, "Twinkle, twinkle...we welcome you today!"

Back in December, I had my sub teach the kids a little about musical notation (staccato vs. legato, pp vs. ff, fermata). It provides an easy way to repeat songs without the kids getting bored, so I used it again with Sr Primary a few weeks ago.
Amy: Do you remember what legato means?
Excited kid in back of room (I still have no idea who): Silently!

At the beginning of the year, I found a cute idea to help the new Sunbeams remember to stay in their seats. I put little paper eggs on their seats and told them they needed to keep the eggs warm so they could see what they were helping to hatch by the end of Sharing Time. If they did pretty well, I had little papers to hand out that said "I hatched a ______ by being reverent in Primary" (the blank had a picture of whatever bird or animal they hatched that week. The first week, I handed out the papers and heard a very excited little girl exclaim, "I hatched a chicken!"

When I started teaching Children All Over the World, I wanted to emphasize the ways to say "thank you" in other languages first. To get the kids excited about it...
Amy: Do you know any other languages?
J (4): Dutch!
(His Mom, the newly-called 2nd counselor, burst out laughing and explained that he says that all the time at home, even though he doesn't speak a word.)

I was using some pictures from the Gospel Art Kit (thanks, Mom!!) to teach Follow the Prophet. Holding up a picture of Adam and Eve walking through the Garden of Eden, I asked if anyone knew who it was. The kids (Jr) were, not surprisingly, having trouble identifying them. Suddenly, a younger kid raised his hand.
R (4): It's Adam and Eve!
R's dad (looking at R's mom - they teach another class): Did you teach him that? I didn't!