

Friday, March 22, 2013


You decide.

My last day of work was last Thursday (3/14), so I've just been working on getting stuff done at home this week. I made a to-do list and have been steadily checking off tasks (yay! the thank you notes are done!). After looking at my list on Wednesday night, I was afraid I might be a little bored yesterday because there were only a couple things left.

I decided the main thing I wanted to get done was cleaning the bathrooms since Mom will be staying here to help out when the little one arrives. I figured that in the full bath, I would just clean the tub, toilet, sink/counter, and mirror as usual. But then I got started.

When I finished with the tub (including replacing the shower curtain liner...I probably shouldn't have been standing on the edge of the tub like I was), I noticed some spots on the wall. I've noticed them here and there for several weeks but had just been ignoring them. I was cleaning anyway though, so why not wipe down the walls (yes, all of them)? :) Of course, then I got to the bottom of the walls and noticed the baseboards were incredibly dusty. Those got a good wipe-down but also drew my attention to the floor, which could have used a sweeping/mopping a while ago. In order to mop (ok, it was actually easier to to it by hand because it's a small area) the floor, I had to move the bath mat - why not vacuum it while I was at it? Since I had the vacuum out, it made sense to vacuum the couch to get rid of the leather that's falling off (didn't work as well as I had hoped), as well as the rest of the living room.

Needless to say, the bathroom looks a bit nicer today. :) The half bath didn't get quite the same treatment, but it also doesn't get as dirty, and I mopped it the other day when I was doing the kitchen anyway.

I also ended up cleaning the kitchen sink (shiny...) and making dinner for a family with a new baby. I told Brian I wasn't sure if it was nesting or just not being able to stand the thought of doing nothing all day. He told me it was cute to watch, regardless. ;) (Although at one point he interrupted me while I was cleaning the full bath - my pants were sagging and my shirt had crept up over my belly, so he might have mentioned that I was a little less than attractive. Don't worry, I understood what he meant, and we laughed about it.)

I'm still ok with the 31st as Bean's birthday, but here's hoping this means she's coming a little sooner. :)

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