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Now for some funny quotes:
I've been taking Tums before bed (as needed) lately, and Brian decided he likes to take them too. I figure it can't hurt because they're fine as a calcium supplement anyway and he doesn't eat a lot of dairy. (He even went as far as asking the other day if we could get the fruit flavored ones next time because they taste better. Haha. I'm actually hoping I won't have a huge need for them after this month, so I don't necessarily plan on buying more.)
*Amy, shaking a pill out of a bottle when getting ready for bed*
Brian: Oooh, can I have one?
Amy (smirking): Um, these are my prenatal vitamins, but I guess you could if you want...
Brian (looking at my back): You still look skinny from behind!
Several months ago, Dr. Co (my boss) mentioned that another professor has an idea for a project on which he'd like to start collaborating with our lab.Dr. Co: However, he kind of needs a new grad student for it, so it might not happen for a little bit.
Danny (pointing): Amy!
Amy: Um, I'm having a baby.
Dr. Co: That's ok, we can get her a lab coat.
At the end of 2012, the grad students and I were rearranging the office to make room for more desks since we were getting more grad students and undergrads. One idea that was thrown out was to move the kitchenette around, which included putting the mini fridge on the floor (it was/is sitting on top of a cabinet).Amy: Don't decide solely based on me, but I'm not sure how I feel about having to bend all the way down there to get my lunch every day. It's getting harder for me to even put my socks on!
Jared (who happens to be somewhere around 6'4"): You too?? My feet are just so far away!
Jared: I've been trying to get a monkey as a lab mascot, but a baby is a step up.
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