1. Brian and I have been married for 6 months today. Wow! In some ways, it doesn't seem that long; in others, it seems longer (but only in good ways). I just love him. :)
2. I guess I never mentioned where I'm working. It's
Yagööt, a frozen yogurt shop in the Easton mall. It's been fun so far. I trained for 3 days in Cincinnati and started at Easton last week. This week, I've been learning how to be a shift leader. I haven't done it on my own yet - tomorrow will be my first solo shift (as a shift leader). I'm nervous but excited to do the things that I've learned.
My uniform for work is khakis and a Yagööt shirt (plus apron, name tag, and close-toed shoes), but when I started I really only had one pair of khakis. They're nice ones too, and I didn't want to ruin them because we use a lot of bleach to clean around the store. Of course, my solution was to go to Goodwill (I miss DI) and get a couple pairs for work. I ended up with 3 pairs for $3.50 each - and they're good condition, name brand (one Old Navy, one Aeropostale, and one Gap)! I also got an OSU shirt for myself (I got Brian one for $5 a few weeks ago) for $2! I just love thrift stores. :) (I got a hideous dress there this week for my Halloween costume too.)
3. On Monday, Brian decided we would have a Halloween-y FHE, so we went to Halloween Express first to get stuff for our costumes. When we got home, we worked on carving the pumpkins we got last week at FHE (we went to a farm with a corn maze, hay ride, and other stuff - some people in the ward go every year and invited whoever wanted to come). Brian decided on a skull and did more of a 3-D carving than cutting it out. It looks pretty sweet. When I finally decided what to do, it was getting late, so I just drew it on the pumpkin and worked on it the next day. I wanted to do an OSU pumpkin (no one can accuse me of not being a Buckeye fan!), so I freehanded the official logo. It looked like this (the biggest one pictured):

Unfortunately, I didn't have the right tools when I was cutting it out on Tuesday, and I ended up breaking off pieces that were supposed to be attached. I gave up then but may go back today and start with a fresh design on the other side of the pumpkin.
5. We finally got callings! Last Tuesday, Bro. Boogard (ward exec sec) called to ask if we could meet with Bishop Nagle on Wednesday night. I was asleep on the couch while Brian was working, but I woke up a little when I heard him on the phone. Even in my half-awake state, I got excited about it. We were sustained on Sunday. Any last guesses? Drum roll please....we're ward missionaries! I must not have figured out this calling the first 2 or 3 times. ;) We're both happy about it though.
6. I made banana bread for the first time in my life this week. We had some
very ripe bananas, and I figured that was a great way to use them. Brian approved too. :) It turned out quite well. I also made baked apples at the same time - we had a bunch of bruised apples that were going bad (because I didn't want to put bruised ones in Brian's lunch), and I didn't want them to go to waste. Mmm...I love baking (and its results). :)
I think that's enough randomness for now. We have a bunch of pictures to post (wedding, Disneyland, etc.) but I'm going to continue procrastinating that task.