5/22/14 - Looking at pictures in her rocking chair. This girl LOVES reading books.
6/2014 - We went to the San Diego County Fair with some friends from our apartment complex.
6/2014 - Riding the little kiddie tractors at the fair.
7/13/14 - We wanted a picture of her wearing this adorable dress before she outgrew it, but she passed out on the way home from church. Our Brazilian friends in Columbus brought it back for her from a trip to Brazil.
8/23/14 - I ran the Color Me Rad 5k with some friends. I think Elise was less than impressed. Brian was the only spectator on the course, and people loved it (and his sign).
8/23/14 - These lovely ladies encouraged me to train for and run this race.
8/29/14 - Watching BYU football with friends. We're pretty sure Elise is the cutest BYU cheerleader around. Go Cougs!
9/13/14 - Playing at the beach with Grandpa Casaday.
9/28/14 - Rockin' her awesome birthday dress/outfit from Aunt Tami.
10/18/14 - Rock, paper, scissors at our ward's Trunk or Treat.

8/23/14 - I ran the Color Me Rad 5k with some friends. I think Elise was less than impressed. Brian was the only spectator on the course, and people loved it (and his sign).
8/23/14 - These lovely ladies encouraged me to train for and run this race.
8/29/14 - Watching BYU football with friends. We're pretty sure Elise is the cutest BYU cheerleader around. Go Cougs!
9/13/14 - Playing at the beach with Grandpa Casaday.
9/28/14 - Rockin' her awesome birthday dress/outfit from Aunt Tami.
10/18/14 - Rock, paper, scissors at our ward's Trunk or Treat.

10/27/14 - Swinging at the park.
10/27/14 - Riding the zebra at the park. She had ridden it for the first time a few days before and knew exactly what to do when she got on this time.
10/27/14 - Painting pumpkins for FHE. She caught on pretty quickly.
10/31/14 - My secondary Halloween costume. :) (This is how we announced the baby due in May. I was about 13 weeks here.)
11/14/14 - Our little stinker hard at work spreading hot chocolate all over the kitchen floor. Could've been much worse, I suppose.
10/27/14 - Painting pumpkins for FHE. She caught on pretty quickly.
10/31/14 - My secondary Halloween costume. :) (This is how we announced the baby due in May. I was about 13 weeks here.)
11/14/14 - Our little stinker hard at work spreading hot chocolate all over the kitchen floor. Could've been much worse, I suppose.